Saturday, February 17, 2024



General Meeting Minutes ~ Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sandlake Grange, Cloverdale
:00 Meet & Greet ~ 1:30 Lunch & Meeting ~

Visiting began at 1:00. Eric Simmons led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Jerilee Henderson gave the blessing for the lunch. The lunch began at 1:30 with 30 TCPA members and 3 guests in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 2:06 PM.

A motion was made by Jan Burt and seconded by Susan Pierce to accept the minutes of the October 15, 2023 General Meeting as printed in the most recent By-Lines Newsletter. The motion carried.

Judy Hill gave the Treasurer’s Report. The report is attached to these minutes in the secretary binder.

Eric thanked our set-up and kitchen crew: Annette Salo, Shirley Hill, Cindy Greene and Candy Pengelly. Thank you to Judy Hill for purchasing the food.

Peyton Tracy, Tillamook County Pioneer Museum (TCPM) Director reported:

  • Clara Scillian Kennedy is the new Collections Manager for the TCPM.

  • The Festival of Trees Silent Auction & Gala Event raised approximately $15,000. The 20th Festival of Trees will be celebrated in 2024.

  • The museum was closed the month of January. Projects completed were:

    • Repainted/restained main gallery

    • Moved the gift shop

    • Reorgnized the research library

    • TCPA and the Tillamook County Historical Society now share an office space in the museum

  • Jenny Teece is organizing a 90th TCPA Anniversary Exhibit with the help of a committee

  • The new exhibit in the main gallery is: Contact: How Cross-Cultural Exchange Shapes Us featuring Robert Gray and Native Americans in Tillamook County

Committee Reports:

  • The 90th TCPA Anniversary Committee met last Friday and are finalizing plans. Community Building History is the theme.

  • Jerilee reminded everyone of our Pioneer Perks Partners and reported that she’ll be sending another email out to Chamber of Commerce businesses asking them to join us in partnership.

  • Eric is working on a sled for the steam donkey. This has been a six year project so far.

Old Business:

  • Eric thanked everyone for the donations given at the Welcome Desk for memorials and lunch.

  • The TCPA books need to be moved out of the Latimer storage building. Plans are being made to move the books to our Pioneer Building storage room located at the Fairgrounds. Jerilee distributed 92 books to the county school libraries and Marie Mills Center.

New Business:

  • We are applying for a PUD Community Support Grant to repair and complete maintenance on the Griffin-Butler Pioneer Building at the Fairgrounds.

Silent Roll Call: Ruby announced there have been 67 deceased members this past year. She has also been notified of members that passed in earlier years. We had a moment of silence for them.

Door Prizes: Prizes were awarded to Cheryl Gillespie, Jan Burt, Candy Pengelly and George Bodyfelt.

Announcements & Adjournment: Our next meeting date will be Sunday, June 9, 2024 at the Fairview Grange.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:31 PM. Respectfully submitted, Jerilee Henderson

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